मानव कल्याण सेवा चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट (रजि०)

Food distribution

All our initiatives are designed to provide essential food support to underserved communities in the form of raw grains, freshly cooked food, or packaged food products depending on the need. Our aim is to ensure, hunger never comes in the way of a brighter future.

It doesn’t always matter how much you can help others; it’s the purpose that counts. Few people have the opportunity to serve others on a large basis, but they do their best. They contribute in whatever small way they can, demonstrating the goodness and humility that is inherent in their hearts. When a calamity strikes, such individuals stand out from the crowd. People with a golden heart are unconcerned about their circumstances, but they nevertheless attempt to help in whatever way they can.

The majority of poor people in India relocate to larger cities in search of work. While they were already struggling for survival, the lockdown added to their woes. They were unable to make enough money to feed their family, nor were they able to return home for survival, putting them in jeopardy.

Seeing their dire predicament, numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other organizations stepped up to provide them with free food for survival. Several people with disabilities are among these categories. These people are the human flag bearers.

Manav Kalyan Seva Charitable Trust  increases community access to healthy food by salvaging food that would otherwise go to waste and developing new distribution channels to underserved groups, with a focus on utilizing school systems to reach people in need. We envisage a future in which everyone in our community has continuous access to fresh, healthy, delicious food, regardless of age, income, or ability. We reduce food waste by recapturing fresh food that would otherwise be wasted, while also ensuring access to fresh produce and healthful meals for emergency food programs and those in need.

Since the announcement of the lockdown due to the Covid 19 outbreak, the world has witnessed terrible scenes. People from all across the country travel to various cities in search of jobs as daily wagers. Thousands of daily wage employees and laborers flocked to the border as their livelihoods came to a halt as a result of the countrywide lockdown.

MKSCT continues to contribute to the survival struggle by identifying NGOs and individuals who have been laboring day and night on the ground to ensure that no one dies of starvation in the nation.